Time To Check Your Food
Coronavirus says this to me and to the world right now - Check your food, Buddy! and adapt to a plant based whole-food diet. It has now been proven that people who suffer from chronic diseases like Hypertension or Diabetes can either reverse their ailments or reduce it to a very large extent if they change their dairy and meat-infused diet to much more healthier Vegan Diet. There has been a great amount of research by medical practitioners like Dr. Dean Ornish and Dr. Neal Bernard that has proven to be path-breaking from the terms of how we look at food as a therapeutic process in itself. And the reason is that a plant based diet enhances your immunity and as I have a strong liking for people who have pre-existing conditions, there is a lesser probability of you getting infected (compared to those who have comorbidities) if you adapt to a healthy plant based diet. The plant based diet also increases fiber, reduce inflammation and helps maintaining healthy weight. You mitigate getting new infection through this healthy alternative. Even if you get infected, you will heal faster.
I also say this to you that, especially at these trying times, you need to practice compassion, stay healthy and take care of your personal hygiene. This is the time to be closer together, to heal, to drop the baggage of past mental blocks and embrace change. I am in front of you, stark and real! I may be in the air for all you know but get up, be resilient and change your story.
— Sandeep Kulshrestha